Summer is coming to an end and the school year is back in session in many parts of the country. However, when you live on the road, your kids won’t be hopping on a bus, packing lunches and heading off to school every day. The following are a few tips for homeschooling on the road from bloggers who are experts at schooling their kids on the go.
1. Be Willing to Stop for Learning Opportunities
One of the best parts of living on the road is that you can actually see national parks, monuments, museums and other significant sites in person. Be flexible enough with your schedule to stop at aquariums, museums and other sites, and use them as field trip opportunities when possible.
2. Create a Comfortable Learning Area
You don’t have to create a full classroom in your RV, but you will want to find a comfortable place for schooling that works for you and your kids. You may enjoy gathering around a large U-shaped dinette or choosing separate seats in the living room with portable tables. Just make sure each kid has enough space to do their work and that you have enough space to teach them. Don’t be afraid to move some activities outside to picnic tables on warm, sunny days.
3. Don’t Be Afraid to Put Your Kids to Work
You’re probably concerned about how much time homeschooling will take and how much it will cut into your basic households needs, like washing everyone’s clothes, cooking meals and keeping your RV clean. Don’t hesitate to have your little ones help with your RV’s housework when schoolwork is done. A little extra help with household chores will allow everyone more time to relax, explore and play games together.
Find the Perfect Family RV at Lazydays
Our Lazydays lots in Tampa and Tucson are packed with large, family-friendly RVs that are ideal for your life on the road. Whether you’re looking for a separate bedroom for your kids to sleep and study, a massive U-shaped dinette for learning or an outdoor kitchen to take some of the mess away from the interior of your RV, we have everything you need right here at Lazydays.