Product Profile
By Joseph Garnett, Jr.
August 8, 2015
Since the late 1920’s, there has always been an iconic-looking Airstream travel trailer on the scene. The travel trailers have transformed a lot since the company’s creator Wally Byam made his first adventure. However, many of the older Airstream RVs are still on the road as their owners continue living the Airstream lifestyle. The following are some of the original Airstream owners who fell in love with the travel trailer.
The First to Use an Airstream
Wally Byam, the company’s founder, is known to be the first person to take an Airstream travel trailer camping. Organizing many caravans during his camping lifetime, he led many trips, including a trip from Cape Town to Cairo, Eqypt in 1959. He organized trips throughout Europe, the United States and Mexico.
Laurea Domela and Kevin Morris
In the 1970’s, both Kevin and Laura made their first Airstream trips at age 5. Kevin’s school-teacher parents began taking him on Airstream adventures during summer vacations. With Portland as their home base, Kevin and Laura travel the country every year. They have gone throughout the western U. S. and all the way to the Keys in Florida. Riveted is the name of the couple’s blog where they have documented their many trips.
Lazydays Video
Jim and Linda’s Globetrotter
For Jim and Linda, having a choice of two vintage Airstream campers offers the convenience to attract a different audience whenever they travel. The couple’s 1967 and 1956 travel trailers can be just as comfortable as a newer version. The avid bloggers have provided interested readers a better feel of their experience inside the 1967 Globetrotter with photos posted on their website. Their high-quality photos show that the older models offer convenience just like the newer ones.
Create Your Own Airstream Experience
There’s no turning back when you buy an Airstream travel trailer. It’s difficult to find the vintage Airstream models. However, the company’s brand-new models still offer the same vintage feel. The Lazydays Tucson Airstream Store is the best place to buy a new travel trailer or touring coach crafted from the same mold as the older Airstream models. Please come and explore the new and insightful RV’s. You will see first-hand how the company builds each travel trailer creating a combination of vintage and new.
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